Pushpa Director Sukumar will be on a big break. Director Sukumar spent 6 long years with Pushpa, His hard work struck gold and Pushpa put him in a top position and now he is one of the biggest directors in Indian cinema. The success of Pushpa 1&2 made him much more famous than before.
Now Sukumar is said to be taking a very long break and he will enjoy some holiday period with family. It is widely known that the director has already announced his next film with Ram Charan, but it will take some time to start the proceedings. Both the actor and director previously worked for Rangasthalam (2018) which was a big blockbuster at the box office.
Ram Charan’s next movie is with Buchi Babu so the entire 2025, the star will be working on that film. Director Sukumar will be on a big break and is likely to start work on Ramcharan’s project in the 2nd half of 2025 after the break. The film is likely to go on set in 2026.