The much-awaited teaser of Pushpa 2: The Rule has been released on the occasion of Allu Arjun’s Birthday. The teaser showcased Allu Arjun portraying Ardha Nareeshwara look, part of Gangamma Thalli Jaathara held in Tirupati. He was also seen bashing people in the teaser with Devi Sri Prasad’s Thumping Background Score. But the teaser is a big disappointment in another way.
The team had continuously promoted that the teaser would reveal many details about the film. But the teaser contained only one scene revealing Allu Arjun and no others. The teaser was more like a fight scene video. It didn’t show any other characters or newly entered characters into the film. The look that Allu Arjun portrayed in the teaser was also released in the first look itself. So the teaser has offered nothing new.
The poster for the teaser showed Allu Arjun’s foot indicating that he is going to rock the floor with dance. But only the fight was shown in the teaser. The fans and audience who thought of seeing much about Pushpa 2 have been disappointed with the released teaser. The teaser once again confirmed by the makers that the film would be releasing on 15th August this year.