In Tamil Nadu, its only Director Rajamouli films that had gone past the 50 crore gross till now. Baahubali series and RRR managed to do very well there collecting more than 50 crores gross in their full run. Baahubali 2 went even further collecting in the range of 150 crores gross becoming an All-time Industry hit there shockingly. Now, Pushpa 2 has also set a Non-Rajamouli record in Tamil Nadu.
Pushpa 2 is holding decent in Tamil Nadu today as well and crosses 50 Cr gross mark becoming the 1st Non-Rajamouli film to have collect 50 crores gross. The breakeven mark of Pushpa 2 is valued at 100 crores mark there and it needs to continue the same momentum for few more weekends.
There is no competition for Pushpa 2 with any film there. So, it may also come as an advantage for the film. On the other hand, Pushpa 2 is nearing the 1000 crore mark worldwide making it a wonder for Allu Arjun and the team as well. It is also aiming to become the All-time highest grosser of Hindi version as well.