Allu Arjun’s pan-India action drama Pushpa 2 has been the talk of the town for the past couple of months. The extensive pan-India promotions followed by a grand release led to record-breaking opening numbers. Here’s the language-wise box-office verdict of this Sukumar film.
Pushpa 2 was sold at record prices and managed to recover around 80% for most of the buyers. Even in the overseas market, the blockbuster success of the Hindi version covered for Telugu version. If we see just the Telugu version, Pushpa 2 has underperformed and didn’t stand up to expectations.
The Tamil version can be considered as an above-average box-office fare. The film collected around Rs 75 crores whereas the makers had expected Rs 100 crores + gross from Tamil.
Pushpa 2 Malayalam version was an outright disaster and this result has shocked everyone. The film was expected to do well considering Allu Arjun’s sizable fan following and aggressive promotions in Kerala. Unfortunately, the film couldn’t manage any stronghold right from its initial days.
It’s safe to say that Pushpa 2 Hindi collections more than covered up for disater to above average collections in each of the other languages. Hindi version of the film is now the industry hit and biggest blockbuster with 1000 Cr collection from Hindi alone. It has registered an all time record collection and created a new benchmark in Hindi film industry
Overall, Pushpa 2 is a super hit and the 3rd biggest grosser for Indian film after Dangal and Baahubali 2.
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