For the first time, Sukumar has collaborated with multiple music directors for the Pushpa 2 background score. Before Pushpa 2, Sukumar used to handle everything with DSP. However, due to various reasons, the team has brought in an additional three music directors for the BGM. Thaman, Ajaneesh Lokanath and Sam C.S. for the BGM work of the film. Many thought the Team would opt for Thaman’s work but Sam C.S. BGM ruled over all suprisingly.
Sam C.S. BGM was chosen for the film apart from the BGM composed by Devi Sri Prasad for various scenes. It is also said that about 80% of the film’s BGM was provided by Sam C.S. Director of the film, Sukumar is said to be impressed by the work of Sam C.S. in this regard. He was also behind Sam C.S.’s choice which can be understood.
Now, with Sam C.S.’s BGM playing a big role in the film, Sukumar may re-think about his decision of going with Devi Sri Prasad for his planned film with Ram Charan, tentatively titled, RC17. We need to see which side would Sukumar tilt.