The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday questioned film director Puri Jagannadh in connection with its money-laundering probe. The questioning went on for nearly 10 hours post which the director was free to leave. The agency asked him to provide details of his bank accounts for the period 2015 to 2017. Puri appeared before the ED along with his Chartered Accountant after summons were sent last week.
The Enforcement Directorate has issued notices to various Tollywood celebrities, who are connected to the Tollywood industry, in connection with its money-laundering probe.
Actors Rakul Preet Singh, Rana Daggubati, Ravi Teja, Charmee Kaur, Navdeep, Mumaith Khan, and Jagnnadh have been asked to appear before ED between August 31 and September 22. Tanish, Nandu, and actor Ravi Teja’s driver Srinivas are also among those summoned.