Ram Pothineni’s Double Ismart under Puri Jagannadh’s direction was launched recently. The movie is currently being shot on a huge set in Mumbai, with the lead actors taking part in it. Puri is taking a lot of care regarding the film’s shooting, as he would rather not repeat the mistake which he did for Vijay Deverakonda’s Liger.
Puri Jagannadh has an image that he completes the shooting of his films in a quick time with very well-planned schedules, and he has finished the shooting of many of his films in the past within less than 6 months. He also makes sure that the post production works are also done rapidly but everything went wrong for his previous film.
We know that Puri’s last film, Liger with Vijay Deverakonda as the lead, was a big failure at the box office. The film was on sets for a long time, which is for the 1st time in the career of Puri Jagannadh. Now he would rather not repeat the same mistake again with his upcoming film, Double Ismart the sequel to the blockbuster Ismart Shankar.
The shoot for Double Ismart has begun recently and within a very short the unit of the film completed the 1st schedule. The movie will be released in 2024 March on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri.