Music director AR Rahman held a live performance in Pune on Sunday when police arrived on the scene. The cops came out and asked the show to stop, and a video of the same thing went viral after it was shared on Twitter by ARR fans. Following the incident, the Pune police released a clarification and said that the Singer-Composer had exceeded the deadline of 22 hours, i.e.10:PM.
Reportedly, AR Rahman was stopped when he was performing his hit track Chaiyya Chaiyya. However, since he performed even after 10pm, he was asked to stop his show, the authorities said.
Smartana Patil, DCP Zone 2, Pune Police, said, “Rahman was singing his last song, and while singing he did not realize that it was already past 10 pm, so our police official who was at the venue went and conveyed to him the deadline to be followed as per the SC guidelines after that he stopped singing.”
On Monday, AR Rahman tweeted pictures from the Pune concert and promised his fans that he’ll be back soon. He said, “Pune! Thank you for all the love and euphoria last night! Was such a roller coaster concert! No wonder, Pune is home to so much classical music! We shall be back soon to sing with you all again.”
The concert was held around the Raja Bahadur windmill in Pune. The timings of the live concert were from 8pm-10 pm. Since AR Rahman overstepped the deadline, he was also reportedly questioned by the officers. As per the media, he was asked why he continued to sing in the show after 10 pm, following which AR Rahman left the stage.