Andhra Pradesh I&PR Minister Perni Nani has stated that the recently issued G.O on the online portal for movie tickets is not a sudden development. The minister said that the first-ever proposal for movie tickets sale online was made way back in early 2000s.
He further added that the plan of managing the portal through AP State Film, Television and Theatre Development Corporation (APSFTTDC) was done to ensure maximum transparency. Adding to this, Nani said that this would lead to a reduction of the service charge that the audience will have to pay over per booking.
Interestingly, this suggestion was brought forth by Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna, Rajamouli, and Dil Raju who had requested the government to go ahead with the portal during their last meet in June 2020.
The government had announced last week that it will be getting its own movie ticket booking online portal soon. The decision was announced through a G.O released by the Home Department .