Dasara director Srikanth Odela has won rave reviews and feedback for his direction with just his first film. Industry bigwigs like SS Rajamouli, Mahesh Babu, Sukumar, Prabhas, and others have praised the film alongside his direction prowess and now, the producer of the movie, Sudhakar Cherukuri has also expressed his appreciation to the young debutant director and the entire unit.
Sudhakar Cherukuri has gifted a specially made 25-gram gold coin to movie unit members and a BMW car to Dasara director Srikanth Odela. Dasara is now the biggest hit of Nani’s career and had an excellent first weekend where it achieved the breakeven mark quite comfortably.
Dasara collected a share of Rs 44.18 crores worldwide and showcased its record-breaking spree at the box office. Overseas and Nizam region have been hugely beneficial to the makers and goth them huge profits. The movies’ bookings are projected to be good for the weekdays as well and the film is projected to perform well all over