Srikanth Addala’s Peddha Kapu 1 is all set to be released on this Friday, September 29th. The film’s Producer Miryala Ravinder Reddy interacted with the media and he indirectly pointed out fingers at the Top Producer and Distributor Dil Raju for Skanda’s postponement. He said that they have contacted and asked Skanda producers before announcing the release date as they did not want any competition at that time.
So when they contacted Skanda producer, and they informed that they will come on 15th September. Then only Peddha Kapu 1 was announced to be released on 29th September, But suddenly Skanda team postponed the release to September 28th.
According to Ravinder Reddy, when he asked Skanda Producers that and told he was not happy with the postponement, the makers of Skanda informed that it was the pressure from distributors, and they forced to change the release date and that is why the competition has happened.
Already there has been a strong buzz that Dil Raju is the reason for Skanda’s postponement and this statement from the producer of Peddha Kapu 1 indirectly points out at Dil Raju. He also talked about the film and its storyline with the media.
“In every story, there is a struggle between the strong and the weak. Coming to this film, nativity was added. When you watch this story on the screen, you feel like watching real life on the screen rather than a movie. The words written by Srikanth garu are piercing. While watching the movie, it makes us feel like should a common man has to fight so much to win in life. When we come out after watching the movie, we feel it is true that why don’t we fight like Hero?” He also stated that the decision of making the film in two parts was taken as per the script.
“When we discussed the story, we thought of making it in two parts. It’s a history, an ordinary person becoming an extraordinary person, will not happen in one go. There are many challenges in this fight. This is a story to be told in two parts”