One of the biggest and craziest combos of Tollywood was Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s combination. They collaborated for the third time after films Athadu and Khaleja for Guntur Kaaram, which was released for Sankranthi 2024. Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram had several troubles during the filming, such as changes in cast & crew and script rework, but however the film team released the film for Sankranthi 2024 as promised.
Guntur Kaaram team, who were confident about the film’s success, opted for special premieres in Telugu States with shows starting from 1 AM. Post the premieres, the film received below-par talk, which triggered huge trolls and negativity on social media. Certain sections of people have actively participated in spreading negativity. The film opened with career-best numbers for Mahesh Babu on Day 1 at the Box Office and struggled during the final run, managing to collect a share of only 114 crores worldwide.
Recently, producer Naga Vamsi, talking about the setbacks for Guntur Kaaram, stated that the title was inappropriate for the film content. Further adding to that, he also stated that commercially they are happy with the film’s run as all the distributors have recovered their investments except in Nizam. Naga Vamsi still stands by his word that the product of the film was not bad and that the review writers have judged it wrongly.