Finally, there’s a big update for Superstar Mahesh Babu’s upcoming project with Trivikram. Producer Naga Vamsi in an interview revealed the shooting plans and release date for SSMB 28. The film’s shooting will resume on January 18th and the release date is planned for August 11th.
Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela will be playing leads in this project directed by Trivikram. Mahesh Babu’s SSMB 28 is one of the most anticipated movies in Tollywood. Trivikram and Mahesh will reunite after 12 years and fans have placed lots of expectations on this project.
Pooja Hegde will be paired opposite Mahesh Babu for the second time after Maharshi while the rest of the cast details will be revealed soon. Naveen Nooli will be handling the editing duties while Haarika and Haasinie Creations are backing the project.
Another major clarity given by Naga Vamsi is that it is not a pan-India project as cited by certain media houses. The film is an out-and-out Telugu film.