Anil Sunkara, who became a big entrepreneur with successfully handling multiple businesses, had entered the Telugu film industry with the love of Cinema. He firstly made Namo Venkatesha and Dookudu. He turned as one of the top producers in the industry with making films with even small heroes as well.
But from a few days his journey in the cinema industry has been not that great as most of his films have become failures. For the recent films in his banner, Maha Samudram, Agent and Bhola Shankar Anil Sunkara put a massive budget and all the three films have been big disasters at the box office.
He himself admitted that he lost crores of money in the cinema industry, but at the same time, he is not learning any lessons from the failures and continuously losing money in the movies.
It is a well-known fact to everyone that success and failure are common in any business but in the film industry, where the success rate and guarantee for your money is not safe, you should be careful with spending money without any planning or clear idea.