Actress Priyanka Mohan plays the female lead role in Saripodhaa Sanivaaram co-starring Nani. The film is slated for release on 29th August. Pre-release event of the film took place yesterday where the actress excited Pawan Kalyan fans with few words. Priyanka Mohan said that she wanted Pawan Kalyan to act in Kushi 2.
SJ Suryah plays the Antagonist role in the film and he had also attended the event. We all know that SJ Suryah was the director of Kushi starring Pawan Kalyan which became a big blockbuster in Tollywood. The film still has cult following among Youth Audience. Now Priyanka Mohan has addressed it once again in Saripodhaa Sanivaaram event before SJ Suryah.
The Actress appealed to SJ Suryah to consider roping in Pawan Kalyan if he plans Kushi 2 by any chance. SJ Suryah laughed in response to this appeal and this has gone viral now. Many people are pointing out that the actress didn’t want Vijay but Pawan Kalyan in Kushi 2. Vijay played the lead role in Kushi’s Tamil version directed by SJ Suryah. Telugu version was later remade with Pawan Kalyan. Priyanka Mohan is also playing the female lead in OG Starring Pawan Kalyan. We can understand that she spoke this way to impress his fans.