Power Star Pawan Kalyan is presently busy shooting for his upcoming films Ustaad Bhagat Singh and OG (Original Gangster). These projects are being directed by Harish Shankar and Sujeeth respectively. If the rumors are true, Tamil Actress Priyanka Arul Mohan will play the main female role in Pawan Kalyan’s OG.
Actually, the makers of Pawan Kalyan’s OG had planned to rope Malavika Mohanan for the female lead role but finally Priyanka Mohan grabs the chance, and it is being said that she has been finalized and will join the sets with Pawan Kalyan in this month end for shooting.
Priyanka Arul Mohan acted in Telugu films like ‘Gangleader’ and ‘Sreekaram’ and this will be her first film with a big league hero. The pair of Priyanka and Pawan Kalyan will be very refreshing for sure. An official confirmation of Priyanka Arul Mohan joining the OG by makers is expected soon.
The film will have a wonderful cast and team and their details will be announced in the coming days. The legendary production house DVV Entertainments is producing the film. Pawan Kalyan and budding director Sujeeth are collaborating for the first time with this film.
The film will be released as a pan-Indian film in 5 major Indian languages such as release such as Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, and Kannada languages. The unit is in plans to have continuous schedules and complete the movie in 6 months, including the post-production works and then release the film at this year-end.