The much excited Mahesh Babu – Rajamouli film, tentatively titled SSMB29 is set to take off soon. The pre-production works and location scouting have already been finished by the Director Rajamouli. It is now speculated that Bollywood Actress, Priyanka Chopra is coming onboard for the film to take the hype further. She will be the lead actress in the film. This will be a good choice, as Priyanka Chopra often opts for action films. She has a strong following in Hindi cinema and has also acted in Hollywood films before. The Mahesh Babu-Rajamouli film is targeting both international and Indian markets.
Malayalam Actor Prithviraj Sukumaran is also said to be considered for the antagonist role as per sources. The film’s shoot is expected to begin anytime in January next year. It is also learnt that the film may see a release only in 2027.
This film is also said to be a single part film and will not have any sequel. Mahesh Babu is preparing himself physically for the film which will see him going overboard with action stunts. It will also be shot in various foreign locations and the budget will also be huge.