Actor Priyadarshi, who over the past few years has carved a niche for himself in Tollywood is a busy man these days. While on one hand he doing really well in comedy roles such as Jathi Ratnalu, he is also trying to challenge the actor in him through some films. Case in point are movies such as critically acclaimed Mallesham, Mail, Nandhi etc.
Now we hear that he is coming up with one more interesting character in Aha’s upcoming web series ‘In the Name of God’. Nandini Rai will be playing a key role in this web series. The show is touted to be a thriller in which Priyadarshi will be playing the role of a stranger deeply attracted to Nandini Rai. Smitten by Nandini, Priyadarshi will help her out in hiding her husband’s dead body.
The show will premiere in Aha on May 21st and will also have Posani Krishna Murali in an important role. After 11th Hour starring Tamannah, that released earlier this month, Aha has lined up many interesting content such as ‘ In the Name of God’ and Anasuya starrer ‘Thank You Brother’.