Prithviraj Sukumaran says that the clash of Dunki and Salaar is an Indian cinema celebration. It is widely known that Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire, in which Prabhas plays the lead role and Prithiviraj appears in another major role, will be released on December 22nd, along with Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki. For the past few weeks, the topic of the two big guys coming together has been highly discussed. In a recent interview, Prithviraj Sukumaran stated that the clash of Dunki and Salaar is an Indian cinema celebration.
Prithviraj Sukumaran says, “I am not quite sure what promotion plans are, the makers will let us know by November how they roll out the film. As a film lover, I enjoy the fact that we are releasing Hirani and Shah Rukh’s films, even though I am in contact with Prashanth (Neel, director). I am excited that during the holiday season, you have two big films by two big filmmakers, starring two big stars, and they are completely opposite in every possible parameter, like the story and narrative.
As a filmmaker, he goes on to add, one should be celebrating this. Turned 41 yesterday, he says, “I will be watching both, I can promise you that. I am so looking forward to it. When was the last time we had two big films during the holidays? What better year than 2023 to celebrate Indian cinema like this.”
While Salaar is being prepared for its release, Sukumaran is focused on L2. Actor Mohanlal is going to join the shoot soon, he tells us. “I had met with an accident filming an action sequence for one of my films and after the knee surgery, I was resting for three months. Due to my workaholic nature, I wanted to come back. There’s a big crew on set, and Mohanlal joins soon, it’s going to be a party,” he ends.
But regardless of the fan wars between SRK and Prabhas’s fans, one has to agree that the clash of Dunki and Salaar is an Indian cinema celebration as said by Prithiviraj Sukumaran.