Malayalam Star Prithviraj Sukumaran is not only an actor, but he is a director too. With Lucifer starring Mohanlal he made his debut as a director and scored a super-duper hit. After that, he directed another film with Mohanlal titled Bro Daddy. It is a well-known fact that he is playing an important character in Salaar and, as per the reports, he is in. plans to do an action-based film with Prabhas.
Prithviraj has said to have narrated a script to Prabhas which would be supposedly a full-length action-based movie. Prabhas on the other hand has to complete his current commitments before considering or accepting any new project, so we will need to wait and see how the things proceed.
Prabhas, after becoming a pan-Indian star with Baahubali Series has kept himself busy with multiple big projects, including Salaar with Prashanth Neel, Kalki 2898 AD with Nag Ashwin, Spirit with Sandeep Reddy Vanga, and a horror comedy movie with director Maruthi.
Meanwhile, the Prabhas fans are eagerly looking forward to September 28th because on the very same day, Salaar: Ceasefire will hit the big screens. The combination of Prabhas and Prashanth Neel itself is enough for the film to have mammoth hype around its box office performance, and the makers are making no mistake to sustain the craze for the film.