Panchayat is a comedy drama TV series created by ‘The Viral Fever’ exclusively for the American streaming giant ‘Prime Video’. Set in a rural backdrop, it narrates the story of an engineering graduate who ends up working for a panchayat after failing to find a job of his calibre.
A total of sixteen episodes have been released (as two seasons) so far to widespread critical acclaim. Following the series’ success, a third season has been in development. According to some reliable sources, the third season of Panchayat will be available in the last week of May 2024.
An official announcement regarding the same will be out very soon. Directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, it stars Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, and Raghubir Yadav in lead roles. The show’s music was composed by Anurag Shaikia.