Malayalam blockbuster Premalu has created some wonders at the Kerala and Tamil Nadu box office. Along with Manjummel Boys and Bramayugam, Premalu created a box office storm in February and it is continuing. While Manjummel Boys has emerged as the new industry hit of the Malayalam film industry, Premalu has also done something extraordinary
Premalu Telugu version has managed to recreate the success of the original version and the audience in Telugu states have responded positively. Premalu Telugu versions started on a slow note but is picking by each day. The movie is now selling more tickets than Bhimaa and Gaami on Book My Show.
This shows how well the movie is running with strong numbers. On the other side Bhimaa and Gaami are dropping day by day. Premalu’s 2nd weekend will be much bigger than the 1st one and looking at the current trend, it will collect double-digit gross in Telugu states and may be even more. The movie’s Telugu version doing well in the USA too.
After 5 weeks, Premalu worldwide gross is 106 Cr and the 5th-week numbers are 10% bigger than the 4th week because of the Telugu release. Premalu Tamil version has also been released in theatres and it needs to be seen how it performs