Malayalam rom-com “Premalu” is taking the box office by storm, exceeding expectations with its impressive collections. Released on February 9th, the film’s second weekend (8.3 crores) box-office saw even stronger numbers than its opening weekend (5.7 crores), fueled by the positive word-of-mouth.
Made under 10 crores (including print & publicity) and competition from Mammootty’s Bramayugam, Premalu’s 11-day total in Kerala alone stands at a whopping 24 crores. Film was released in many cities across India post its first weekend success in Kerala and managed to collect a gross of 3 crores from ROI. Even international audiences are falling in love with Premalu, with overseas collections exceeding $2.2 million in just 11 days.
Premalu 11 days Worldwide Gross
Kerala: 24.22 crores
ROI: 3 crores (approx.)
Overseas: $2.2+ Mn (18.5 Crores)
Total Worldwide Gross: 46 crores (approx.)
Directed by Girish A. D, produced by Fahadh Faasil, Dileesh Pothan and Syam Pushkaran. Film stars Naslen K. Gafoor and Mamitha Baiju in lead roles. Music by Vishnu Vijay.