Premalu (2024) was a sensation in Malayalam with a worldwide gross of over INR 135 crore; following its success, the film was dubbed and released in Telugu by Karthikeya, the son of legendary filmmaker S. S. Rajamouli. As expected, the film performed well, with immense praise for the performances and the humour.
The lead actors of the film have come to Hyderabad to promote the film, while Rajamouli lavished praise on the cast and crew at the film’s success meet. After all this hustle and bustle, Premalu premiered on the streaming platforms Aha in Telugu and Hotstar in Malayalam, Tamil, and Hindi.
The romantic comedy clocked good viewership on Aha, but the reception has turned out to be mixed, with many calling it ‘overhyped’ and ‘average film’. Experts believe that the major reason behind this is the substandard dubbing quality in Telugu. It must be noted that, unlike Tamil, the Telugu dub of Malayalam films is not standardised owing to low demand. Co-written and directed by A. D. Girish, Premalu stars Mamitha Baiju and Nalsen K. Gafoor in lead roles.