Premalu Achieves Solid Box Office Success, Joins the 50 Cr Gross Club in Kerala. Among Malayalam films, it’s the 5th to achieve this milestone, following Pulimurugan, Lucifer, RDX, and a 2018 movie. In total, it’s the 9th film to join this elite club, including other language films like Baahubali 2, KGF 2, Leo, and Jailer.
Tomorrow, Manjummel Boys is set to join the 50 Cr gross club as well. Premalu continues to perform strongly, likely surpassing RDX’s earnings of 52.5 Cr and securing its spot as the 5th highest-grossing Malayalam film in Kerala. Manjummel Boys is expected to close at the 3rd position, surpassing Lucifer.
Worldwide, Premalu has grossed 93 Cr till now with more than 35 Cr collection in overseas .The film is poised to cross the 100 Cr mark soon. The Telugu version, released yesterday, received a decent opening in urban cities, while the Tamil version is scheduled for release on March 15th.