Malayalam blockbusters Premalu and Manjummel Boys are ruling the roost at the theatres. Recently, the Malayam industry has become the talk of the Indian cinema industry as they delivered 3 continuous blockbusters with Bramayugam being the third one apart from Premalu and Manjummel Boys.
Mammootty’s Bramayugam was released in Telugu but did not work as it did in Malayalam. Premalu is releasing on 8th March and Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya is behind this project. The film is expected to post good numbers as it targets younger audiences. The same is the case with Manjummel Boys which is doing sensational business in Malayalam and Tamil markets.
Manhummel Boys is set to release in Telugu on 15th March. It will be interesting to see whether these films are able to repeat their original magic or go the Bramayugam way. The Malayalam industry is known for delivering quality projects continuously. While all other industries are suffering in this dry period, the Malayalam industry has delivered 2 back to back blockbusters.