Prathinidhi 2, sequel of Actor Nara Rohit starrer Prathinidhi released this year on 10th May 2024. Nara Rohit came back to silver screen after 5 long years with this film. The film was directed by Journalist Murthy with Siri Lella playing the female lead role. Anchor Udayabhanu also played a pivotal role in the film. Prathindhi 2 wasn’t as successful as Prathinidhi. Now Prathinidhi 2 has hit the OTT platform and its streaming details are given below.
Prathinidhi 2 as said didn’t bring audiences to the theatres and the film ended up as a massive disaster. The film is now streaming on Telugu OTT platform, Aha Video. The film might impress audience who are political goers. The film had also suffered censor setbacks due to the political dialogues and certain scenes.
Nara Rohit needs to wait for another film to bounce back. He hoped big on the film but it didn’t provide him the rightful result. He is currently working on Sundarakanda which is under production. Let’s see what happens with that film.