Prashanth Varma announces a film with Raviteja in PVCU. It is widely known that starring Teja Sajja, Prashanth Varma’s latest Sankranthi release ‘Hanuman’ became a massive hit at the box office. HanuMan is all set to join the 250 Crores Gross and is still running well in theaters. In the latest success meet of the film, Prashanth Varma announces a film with Raviteja in PVCU.
The direction skills of Prashanth have impressed everyone. With Hanuman, the expectations on Prashant Varma’s cinematic universe have increased. He already announced that there will be a total 12 films in the universe, including Hanuman.
The next films in PVCU are Adhira, and Jai Hanuman along with a female superhero film. Prasanth Varma has set up a 10-year-line-up. The unit of HanuMan has held a grand success press meet today and the event was attended by the entire team.
At the Hanuman success event, director Prasanth Varma spoke about the film and many interesting things about the cast of the film. It is widely known that there is a monkey character in the film named Koti.
Ravi Teja has lent his voice to the role of Koti. The role of this monkey was one of the highlights in the film. Prasanth Varma has announced that he will make a film in his universe with Raviteja as he has an interesting idea to take forward the character of Koti. As of now, it is just in the idea stage, but let’s wish this crazy combination becomes true.