Director Prasanth Varma is known for bringing out of box concepts to the screen. Now, the maker has decided to expand his ‘cinematic universe’ with a superhero film. The film is being touted as the first original superhero film in Telugu and will be based on Lord Hanuman.
The first look of the movie was revealed earlier today and has caught the audience’s attention with terrific visuals and intense BGM.
Prasanth is known for experiments in his subjects and always strives for something new. He made an impressive debut in 2018 with multi-starrer anthology Awe, which was a totally different experience for the Telugu audience. He later went on to make action thriller Kalki with Dr Rajasekha. Kalki impressed audience and critics for its different portrayal. His last film Zombie Reddy brought in the first experience of zombies to Tollywood.
Now with Hanuman, he is once again bringing a totally new genre to Tollywood. Super hero films are hugely popular in Hollywood. Even Bollywood and Kollywood have made a few films on this subject. It would be interesting how Varma mixes mythology with fiction this time around.