Prakash Raj’s satirical tweet has caused him to get into trouble and face backlash while the nation celebrates Chandrayaan 3. He posted a sarcastic tweet about the mission and was heavily criticized for being insensitive and insulting ISRO and the nation. Later, the actor stated that the tweet was simply a joke and nothing more.
On Sunday, Prakash Raj went to Twitter and shared the caricature of a man in a lungi and shirt, pouring tea from one cup to another. The joke would focus on Armstrong, Edwin on the moon, astronaut Neil Armstrong Edwin, was shocked to find a Malayali at the head of a tea house on the moon. He shared the tweet and wrote, “First view just arrived from Chandrayaan . #VikramLander #justasking.”
But his tweet went bad and sparked strong reactions from the netizens. In fact, a case was booked against Prakash Raj at the police station of Karnataka’s Bagalkot district on his post about the Chandrayaan 3. Hindu organization leaders filed a complaint against the actor in Banahatti police station of Bagalkote district and have demanded action against him.
After subsequent trolling on social media, Prakash Raj posted a clarification note regarding his Chandrayaan 3 post. He wrote, “Hate sees only hate.. I was referring to a joke of #Armstrong times … Celebrating our Kerala Chaiwala . Which Chaiwala did the TROLLS see ?? … If you don’t get a joke, then the joke is on you … GROW UP (sic).”