Actor Prakash Raj recently gave a strong reply to Pawan Kalyan regarding the ongoing laddu controversy in AP. Prakash Raj requested the Actor to stop politicising the issue and refrain from communal actions. To this, Pawan Kalyan today responded saying that all must respect Sanathana Dharma and Hinduism. Finally, Prakash Raj again replied to this on his official X/Twitter Account. He assured a strong reply again going by his words to Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan talking about the controversy reacted sharply against Prakash Raj for his tweet. He also, as said, requested the latter to respect Sanathana Dharma. These Actions of Pawan Kalyan have been getting trolled heavily on social media platforms. Netizens couldn’t even believe that Pawan Kalyan was slowing behaving as a BJP spokesperson and felt that he was doing full time Hindutva Politics.
Prakash Raj posted a video on his official X/Twitter account where he said he was not okay with how Pawan Kalyan had twisted his actual words. He also stated that he was in a foreign shoot and would come back to India and give a reply to all the words of Pawan Kalyan. Looks like, this controversy would go on for some more time.