Pan-Indian star Prabhas’s upcoming big film, Project K aka Kalki 2898 AD, is being produced by the renowned production house, Vyjayanthi Movies prestigiously at a global level. However, the team is facing issues in curbing leaks on the internet. A picture of Prabhas was leaked on the internet nearly 10 days ago. The team seems to have traced out the source of these leaks.
The photo got leaked from a VFX Company. The makers, as per source, have filed a legal case against the VFX company for a substantial amount. The VFX firm dismissed the person behind the leakage. But they are facing a legal case against the makers for their costly mistake.
These online leaks have been a constant concern for the big films. Recently, Guntur Kaaram’s short footage from the shooting was leaked on the internet while a full audio song was leaked from Ram Charan’s Game Changer. Now Kalki 2898 AD joins the list.
Kalki 2898 AD features Deepika Padukone as the female lead, along with Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Disha Patani, Pasupathy, and other renowned actors in crucial roles. This ambitious mythological sci-fi venture is being produced on a massive scale by Vyjayanthi Movies, with Santhosh Narayanan composing the film’s music.