Young hero Akash Puri romances spicy siren Ketika Sharma in the upcoming romantic drama Romantic. The Romantic trailer of the movie was launched by Prabhas earlier today. Anil Paduri has directed this film and it’s all set for a grand release worldwide on the 29th of this month
True to the title, the Romantic trailer is full of romantic scenes between the lead pair and they shared sizzling chemistry. The film explores the line between love and physical attraction between a young couple.
Akash’s character name is Vasco and Ketika Sharma is playing Monika. The couple enjoys their romantic moments together and later for some reason get caught in the police angle. Ramya Krishna is playing a police officer role in the film.
The trailer is bold and has plenty of romantic scenes between the lead pair. Overall, the Romantic Trailer is packed with adequate elements for youth. It indeed hikes prospects on the film. Puri Jagannadh along with Charmme Kaur is producing ‘Romantic’ under Puri Jagannadh Touring Talkies and Puri Connects banners.