Santosh Sobhan and Kavya Thapar-starrer Ek Mini Katha has generated the right buzz before its release. Karthik Rapolu has directed this rom-com which was earlier set to release April 30. However, the recurrence of the coronavirus outbreak postponed the release date. Now, the movie will be released directly on the OTT platform on May 27th.
The movie is produced by UV Concepts, a subdivision of UV Productions. Earlier, Prabhas took to social media wishing the team success. He reminisced working with Sobhan who directed the 2004 super hit Varsham and wished the late director’s son Santosh Sobhan of success.
After Prabhas, now Mega Power Star Ram Charan also posted the movie’s poster on social media and called it a unique and genuine attempt. He also shared the movie trailer link in his post.
On March 11, the makers of the film unveiled the film’s teaser. Since then, the video has been trending on the internet, and it has garnered rave responses from both audiences as well as critics. ‘Ek Mini Katha’, produced by UV Concepts. Shraddha Das, Brahmaji, Sudharshan, Sapthagiri, Krishna Murali Posani, and Keshav Deepak also feature in the movie.