It is well noted that Power Star Pawan Kalyan had announced a new film with the young director Sujeeth recently. The fans of Pawan Kalyan are very excited about this project, and they have liked the first look of the film.
Now the latest reports suggest that the film’s release date has been finalized. With the postponement of RC15 to summer 2024 , Pawan Kalyan – Sujeeth film is planning for the same date. As of now, Indian 2 and Pawan Kalyan – Sujeeth film are releasing for Sankranti 2024 and one more big star film is expected to join for the competition.
Pawan Kalyan and Sujeeth’s combination has created massive expectations on the film with the announcement itself. The Pawan Kalyan fans felt this will be a massive film.
They have tentatively titled the film OG, which would mean there will be a lot of scope for the action sequences in the film. It also reported the film to have Japan backdrop and a young hero will play the brother role of Pawan Kalyan. Thaman will compose music for this film.
There were some rumors spread all over the internet in the recent days about the film. However, fans aren’t worried about them as there is still a reasonable distance to go for the shooting of the project and there will be more stories like this coming.