The arrival of Tollywood pan India releases RRR and Radhe Shyam has been quite a tense affair. Both these movies were announced for Sankranti 2022 much to fans’ excitement. However, Covid had other plans and forced RRR to cancel its 7th January release and Radhe Shyam to postpone its 14th January release.
The rising Covid cases and occupancy restrictions across multiple states meant that there was a huge risk in releasing them.
However, now there is a positive sign for pan India releases RRR and Radhe Shyam.
Delhi which had announced theshutdown of theatres last month has now opened with 50% occupancy. Similarly, the TN government is also planning to lift 50% occupancy soon. Along with it, the other states are also going to follow the suit soon.
RRR team which had done country-wide promotions for the film has announced two tentative dates for release. Depending on the situation, the film might either release on 18th March or 28th April. The Radhe Shyam team has not yet announced a release date yet and we can expect the same soon. In fact, due to this delay in an announcement from the Radhe Shyam team, it was rumoured that they might opt for an OTT release.
However, the makers of both these pan India movies RRR and Radhe Shyam have specifically stated not to believe in any rumours. These films will only be going for a theatrical release.,