Sumalatha was a busy actress during ’80s and ’90s acted in many Telugu films. She shared the screen with top heroes like ANR, Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Krishnam Raju and delivered many hit films. She was last seen in Allu Sirish’s Sri Rasthu Subhamasthu. Last year she entered politics, she contested as MP from Mandya and won with 1.25 lakh votes majority.
Being a people’s representative, she participated in her constitutional duties like visiting hospitals in Mandya and knowing about the patients’ health conditions. Last Saturday evening, she developed mild symptoms of headache and throat irritation. Immediately, she underwent a COVID-19 test and tested positive. As the symptoms are very mild, doctors advised her to be in-home quarantine. She shared this information on her social media platforms. She also said that she had already informed Govt authorities about the persons who were in close contact with her and asked them to go for a test if they have any such symptoms. Let’s hope Sumalatha gaaru will have a speedy recovery.