The much-awaited Indian 2, the sequel of Indian/Bharateeyudu has completed its shooting, and the film’s first single, Paaraa has already released. Recent music sensation Anirudh Ravichander works as the Music Director for the film. The song gathered a positive response but its views on YouTube are not so encouraging. Paaraa managed to cross 2 Million views as of now which is a poor response considering the craze of the music Indian/Bharateeyudu enjoys.
When Anirudh was announced officially as the music director for the sequel of Indian, many were disappointed. They felt Aniurdh may not live up to the expectations since A R Rahman had composed one of his career-best tunes for Indian. Now the song’s poor performance indicates the same. The team must release the teaser or trailer to increase the craze for the film. Indian 2 had already been in a release haul for a long time. The more the team drags the teaser/trailer release the bad it gets for the film’s prospects.
Indian 3, third film of the franchise will release 6 months after Indian 2’s release. So it becomes very important for Indian 2 to perform well. Shankar and Kamal Haasan look very confident about the film. The audio launch of the film is also expected to take place on June 1st. So let’s see if the team comes up with something different.