Actress Poonam Kaur has dropped a bombshell on Director Trivikram with her tweet. The Actress who often puts controversial tweets mostly directed at Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram has come again with a latest tweet. She tweeted saying that it was a director who impregnated and aborted a girl which had also ended her career. The director she meant is speculated as Trivikram as she often targets him.
The girl which she depicted as Punjabi Girl in this tweet is also believed to be herself. This is literally shocking. Going by her tweet, it can be understood that Trivikram had impregnated and aborted her. No one knows if this holds truth but it is a major revelation by the Actress. Poonam Kaur always targets Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan with cryptic tweets. No one knows the reason behind this as well.
It is also believed that Poonam Kaur was dropped from Pawan Kalyan starrer Jalsa directed by Trivikram. Since then, the Actress hasn’t been in good terms with both these people. She even attacks Pawan Kalyan politically sometimes with her tweets. But this latest tweet is on top of all these tweets. Trivikram must come with an explanation or condemn this.