The sexual abuse case against Tollywood choreographer Jani Master has created a massive storm online as well as offline. While the investigation on the issue is going on, actress Poonam Kaur has come forward and stated that the industry should have also taken cognizance of her issue and MAA should have taken action based on her complaint against Trivikram.
Poonam Kaur has spoken out publicly several times and has stated that Trivikram manipulated and ruined several lives within the industry. Poonam Kaur has taken a dig at Trivikram several times on social media and stated that she had to suffer a lot because of the ace director.
Meanwhile, Jani Master has been suspended from Janasena Party after a Zero FIR was registered against him. He faces charges under sections 376, 506 and 323 IPC. Investigation is also underway and police may interrogate Jani Master anytime soon