Tamil Actor, Vijay has announced his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) officially long ago. He carried many interactive meetings on few occasions as well. But he didn’t make a grand political entry with an open gathering and his party details are also not yet out completely. So, it is learned that the Political Vaathi will be coming on September 25th.
It is speculated that Vijay will announce all the details of his party in a meeting planned at Trichy on September 25th. He will speak on many issues and also reveal the party’s symbol and agenda officially. Meanwhile, he will concentrate on completing his current film, The GOAT, scheduled for release on 5th September. The Actor will be busy with his political activies after the film’s release.
He also has one more film in the pipeline, directed by H. Vinoth. The Actor will finish this one as soon as possible and would venture into politics completely. He will not be taking up films anymore after this final film. Vijay and his party will compete for the upcoming Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections scheduled to be held in 2026. The Actor looks very much focussed to make a mark for himself in the political space as well. So, let’s see what happens on September 25th.