Actor Nikhil has been quite busy of late with charitable works. Earlier this month the Tollywood actor had arranged much-required remedesivir after a fan requested for Nikhil’s help on Twitter. Similarly, he has also been providing food and financial assistance to a number of people during this lockdown.
The actor however faced troubles recently when he was stopped by police for not carrying e-pass. He was delivering important medicines from Uppal to KIMS Minister Road in Hyderabad.
“Was on the way to deliver Emergency Life saving Medicines from Uppal to Kims Minister road… Inspite of providing the Prescription and patient details.. was stopped and asked to Get an Epass. Tried 9 times but the sever is down… I thought medical emergencies were allowed!!!,” he tweeted.
Telangana state is currently under lockdown with movement being allowed only between 6 AM to 10 AM. An E-pass is required for any kind of travel within the state. The Tollywood young hero had reportedly made multiple attempts to secure e-pass but failed to secure it.