Tollywood Director Ram Gopal Varma is once again set to receive Police notices in the case levelled against him regarding morphing of Politician and AP CM Chandrababu Naidu during the release of his film, Vyooham. RGV approached the court in the same case once where he was granted anticipatory bail as well. But, the Police have sent him notices again to his shock.
The Court while granting the bail stated that the Police could continue investigating the case and also ordered the Director to appear before them whenever necessary. Likewise, the Director received notices to appear before the Police on February 4th. It is now learnt that he has communicated to them that he would be unavailable on this date and assured them to change the slot to February 7th through a video call.
The Police are yet to approve this. But most likely, they will be okay with this. So, it needs to be seen how the Director deals with the case. Recently, the Director pledged to make a comeback with an announcement of a film titled Syndicate. He also plans to rope in many acclaimed actors across the Indian film Industry for this film.