Hyderabad task force officials raided the pub in Raddison blu around 3 Am on Sunday. Around 150 people found partying late and police took them to the station. The main reason for the raid is that the pub is operating even after the permitted time. But it is said that police found drugs It is heard that many high profile people are present at the spot. Niharika konidela, Rahul Sipligunj are among the celebrities present in the pub.
Reports state that the actress was detained in the DI room but it looks like she got a clean chit after being investigated for hours. Sources state that she was detained as drugs were found in the vicinity of her friends but they too seem to have been given the clean chit.
The Banjara Hills police and Task Force are yet to inquire who was taking the drugs. Police sources state singer Rahul Sipligunj was also detained but was let go at 8 AM in the morning. Nagababu has released a video byte in which he clarified that Niharika is not involved with the drugs and they are conscious about what is happening. He also urged people to stop spreading rumours.