Prime Minister Narendra Modi appreciated Telugu cinema for its contribution in propagating Indian culture to the whole world. He was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the ‘Statue of Unity’ in Hyderabad. The 216 feet statue of Hindu saint Ramanujacharya was inaugurated in Muchintal village to mark the Ramanujacharya Millennium Program.
Speaking about Telugu cinema Modi said, “Today, the Telugu film industry shining bright in its all glory. This industry is not just confined to the places where Telugu is spoken, but it has expanded globally. From the silver screen to the OTT platforms, the creativity of Telugu cinema has become a talking point. The preservation of culture and honoring our traditions by the Telugu people is an inspiration to all.”
Modi’s praise of Tollywood has come as a shot in the arm to Tollywood which has been making some path-breaking blockbusters and establishing many records in the recent past.