For the first time, ever Superstar Mahesh’s daughter Ghattamaneni Sitara is featured in a video song. And that too for the superstar’s new movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata’s second single. A promo is released today featuring Sitara and Superstar. Though the father and daughter are not in the same frame the fans are going crazy. Sitara is so active in social media and she show cased her dancing skills through some videos dancing for Mahesh’s released songs. But now she sizzles in the new song of her father.
Penny song promo is too good. The music bit is very catchy and It is great to watch Mahesh and Sitara on screen. Mahesh’s screen presence is the one everyone will talk about. Fans say that Sitara’s screen presence is equally good. Sitara’s peppy dance steps are fantastic. Mahesh is looking super cool and his step is Uber cool. Penny video song is releasing on 20th March. Fans and audience are excited with the promo and are eagerly waiting for the full song. Bring it on!!