Payal Rajput has signed a new film opposite Aadi Saikumar. This will be the actress’s first film post-pandemic and will be directed by Veerabhadram. The film will be a thriller and has been titled Kirathaka.
Replying on a query about her latest signing, the Payal Rajput said, “I got a great character to play, plus the script too was intriguing,” Despite always preferring content-driven films, Payal was initially hesitant to sign Kirathaka, owing to her apprehension of the film’s genre (thriller).
“But after I heard the script, I felt it was very entertaining; the edge-of-the-seat screenplay will be the highlight. My layered character and the emotions in the film makes for a great connection,” said the RX100 actress.
Dr Nagam Tirupathi Reddy will bankroll the film under the banner of Vision Cinemaas. The film marks their third production venture in Tollywood.