The latest buzz among Tollywood circles is that Pawan Kalyan’s Mega Multistarrer with a young actor is getting ready and is in the planning stages. Pawan Kalyan has previously worked on a multi starrer with Venkatesh in Gopala Gopala, and Rana in Bheemla Nayak. Now he will be collaborating with a young mega hero for a multistarrer.
There have been solid reports suggesting that a script is getting ready for a mega multistarrer movie with Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej in the lead roles. The film is a remake of the Tamil super hit movie Vinodhaya Sitham, starring Samuthirakani and Thambi Ramaiah in lead roles.
Samuthirakani who directed the Tamil movie will also direct the remake in Telugu. Both Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej liked the narration of the movie. They have accepted the script due to their faith in a talented artist like Samuthikarani. The director has worked in a lot of Telugu films and has ample knowledge about the Telugu culture.
Currently, Pawan Kalyan is awaiting the release of his multistarrer with Rana, Bheemla Nayak. The film will release on February 25th if restrictions in AP are lifted. Otherwise, the film will release on April 1st.