As expected, actor-politician Pawan Kalyan has agreed to get back on film sets. Reports conclude that Hara Hari Veera Mallu remains his first priority, followed by Sujeeth Reddy’s OG and Harish Shankar’s Ustaad Bhagat Singh. Having said that, here are the whearabouts of the same.
According to a reliable source, a massive set has been erected in Mangalagiri, a town in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Pawan will reportedly wrap up his shooting part at this place over the next few weeks.
Jyothi Kishan, who has been brought in as a temporary replacement for Krish Jagarlamudi, will direct these sequences using green mats. A special poster announcing this information is gearing up for a release very soon. Follow us for more such updates.