Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Hari hara Veera Mallu, directed by the talented Krish Jagarlamudi saw the release of the film’s First Glimpse on March 2021, igniting excitement amongst moviegoers with its revolutionary bandit hero theme. Since then, updates have been scarce and film’s was off sets from many months led to whispers of the project being shelved. But finally, The production team has put those rumors to rest with a recent tweet, assuring fans that the film is very much on track.
“Currently the High-End VFX Works are going on in places like Canada, Iran, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore,” the tweet states, building anticipation further. “A special promo is coming your way very soon from #HariHaraVeeraMallu that will have you on the edge of your seat!”
While the film’s release date remains under wraps, this news comes as a massive sigh of relief for fans and Telugu film industry (TFI) lovers who’ve been eagerly awaiting the film since its first look drop. The tweet’s assurance of high-end VFX work across multiple locations hints at a visually stunning cinematic experience. Film is being directed by Krish Jagarlamudi, bank rolled by Mega Surya Production. Oscar winner MM Keeravani is composing the music for the film. Nidhhi Agerwal is playing the female lead.